In His Hands Ministries would like to offer videos and music for your enjoyment. To order any of the videos, cd's or cassettes, click here for a form to print out and mail in. Instructions and shipping prices are on the order form. After you have printed out the form you must press the back button on your browser to return to this page.

Product Descriptions:


The Croc Hunters: Karate Man and J. W. decide that they need to become "the Croc Hunters". A taping from a service at Huntsville, AR First Assembly of God where Karate man and J. W. have porblems with a king cobra and a crocodile. On this tape is a brief music video with scenes from past services, assemblies and behind the scenes shots. Ending the tape is a school assembly on Character Counts which would be appropriate not only in the home but for public school presentations, too.

Karate Man: An hour of Karate man doing several of his favorite skits. Includes "Good Luck Stuff", Fred the Chicken, Gift Wrap, and more. Also included at the end of the video are a couple of Karate Man bloopers from the filming of this tape.

Choices and Problems: Two nights of crusade that feature our most requested programs. Includes Simon Scripture telling Jonah in the Whale, Eldon Lamar and his "Yard Sale", Lewis helping or needin help with the scripture picture in both services and of course Karate Man. This tape is two nights of services WITHOUT the music. There are no songs on this video, just the puppets, Karate Man and illusions.


Fire of God: by Wayne Rogers. Contains eight songs, most of which are fast paced, followed by the music tracks. Includes: "God is So Good", "I'm So Glad", "River of Life".

River of Forgiveness: by Wayne Rogers. Contains nine songs of praise and worship followed by music tracks. Includes: "Hiding Place", "Lord I Lift Yor Name on High"

Evidence: by Tinman Jones. Contains five songs including "SUPER HERO"

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