Among Thorns

Among Thorns began their ministry six years ago as a humble college worship band in Beaumont, Texas. Today, they reside in Nashville, Tennessee, performing roughly 200 concert and conference dates per year. With the release of their third national album, Draw Near, Among Thorns is poised to speak into the heart of modern worship music yet again.

On their debut album, Among Thorns, the band saw multiple top 20 radio successes and sales in excess of 50,000. They pressed on to create a powerful straight-ahead rock record for their sophomore release, Desperate, and eventually relocated to Nashville where they've recently completed their third studio project, Draw Near. The new album has been a pivotal process both musically and personally for Among Thorns, who said goodbye to their original lead singer and welcomed vocalist Chad Jarnagin in September 2001. The changes have opened new doors for the band, inspiring them to explore new realms of worship.

"God is working in us tangibly as well as spiritually," remarks Jarnagin. "He has brought us songs that have not only come from a different place musically, but also from hearts that God has changed."

With a fresh start and fueled motivation, the six members have seen Draw Near as an opportunity to explore their diverse talents and to sink their hands into making music. Thirteen stirring songs have emerged and been captured by producer Paul Mills (Wayne Watson, Phillips, Craig & Dean, Lincoln Brewster), who worked with the band at the Dark Horse Studios in Franklin, Tennessee.

"We've had the freedom to explore some new areas of music on this album and we were able to spend a lot of time in the studio shaping the sound," explains Matt Gilder (keyboards.) "We're really happy with the way it turned out."

Another area that has been molded is the songwriting on the album, which was completed collectively by all the band members, including collaborations with Margaret Becker, Jason Morant and Jay Hall. "We have all had a part in writing this album," continues Matt. "This record is much more of a corporate offering than the past few records have been."

The band's spoken language is both bold and compelling. There are powerful anthems like, "The Heaven's Declare" and "Bless the Lord." Alluring upbeat numbers like "Invitation" and "I Can't Deny." Humble melodies like "Home." And euro-rock based songs like "Reach Down." The aim of these songs is to communicate a message of hope to Believers and to reflect God in a meaningful way.

"I pray that these songs will be food to the heart," says guitarist Darin Sasser. "When we step on stage we want people to experience intimacy in their worship." Chad echoes his sentiments: "The band's lyrics and music, especially on this album, are really relevant to the culture we live in. We want to encourage Believers to enter a place of intimate worship with a holy God. In other words, it's all about God and magnifying who He is so that 'He may become greater as we become less' (John 3:30)."

The spirit does indeed move within Among Thorns, especially recognizable in their concert settings. The group fills an evening of worship with intense energy, mellow and intimate moments, and more than anything, a focus on vertical praises to God.

"We want to invite the body of Christ to enter into a new place of worship, a place where they can truly experience the heart of God," explains Matt. "When God is lifted up, He draws men to Himself. It's hard to imagine being out there worshipping and having God show up in the room and people not be changed."

The versatility and spiritually transparent nature of Among Thorns touches a broad fan base that continues to expand. Audiences young and old will find genuine lyrics and music to connect with, from a band that realizes the vital importance of remaining spiritually rooted. When travelling, the group consistently studies Scripture and bows together in prayer. Every summer they lead worship for high school students at Wild Week camps throughout the US. They are also devoted to their local church communities, helping guide area youth and leading worship in their regular church services. It's this dedication and priority that keeps them grounded and continually seeing new growth.

"After six years together we're like family. God has broken and refined us and brought us to a point in our lives where we know that music is just a vehicle. It's a small thing that God can use in us," Darin confesses. "We have come together and our vision as a band has solidified us and given our ministry a real and immovable focus."

Draw Near


Among Thorns



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